
A focus on sustainable development is a focus on the future. We choose to align ourselves with the global demand for traceable, sustainable seafood of the highest quality.

Zero” emissions

Norsk Sjømat supports the process that emits no waste products that pollute the environment or disrupt the climate.

Local resource

We aim to develop more self-reliant and resilient food networks; improve local economies and to affect the environment by using local resources.

Trace Your Food

We support the technology to makes it easier to trace food products from sea to table.

Fish oil

Norsk Sjømat Stranda AS delivers fresh raw material to Vital Seafood for production of fish oil and fish meal.

Pet food

Fish oil and meal are used in animal feed and pet food in Norway, Europe, Asia and North America.

Norwegian salmon is scientifically documented as sustainable

Aquaculture will play a major role in feeding the growing population and Norway’s aquaculture industry ranks among the world’s leading programs. As the second-largest exporter of seafood, Norway understands that safeguarding the environment and fish stocks for the future is the only way its aquaculture industry can remain sustainable.

Health benefits

Fish and shellfish are nutrient dense and salmon is no exception. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12) but it is their content of omega‑3 fatty acids that receives the most attention, and rightly so.


Marine omega‑3 fatty acids from Salmon are beneficial for healthy skin and heart.

Weekly dinner

A good salmon dinner covers your omega‑3 needs for a whole week!

Marine omega‑3

Marine omega‑3 fatty acids from Salmon are often lacking in the modern western diets.

Food production

Compared to other animals, a salmon needs less feed to gain one kilo. Farming salmon is therefore an excellent way to produce food.